Call for Abstract

23rd World Congress on Nutrition and Food Chemistry, will be organized around the theme “Pineta Palace Hotel Roma, Via S. Lino Papa, 35, 00167 Roma RM, Italy”

Nutri-Food Chemistry 2024 is comprised of keynote and speakers sessions on latest cutting edge research designed to offer comprehensive global discussions that address current issues in Nutri-Food Chemistry 2024

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Food Chemistry is a study of the chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological components of food and deals with the advancement in food chemistry and biochemistry or analytical methods approach used. The training also includes how, under certain food processing techniques products change and ways to either enhance or prevent them from happening. The principles of food chemistry are often derived from rheology, transport theory, physical and chemical thermodynamics, chemical bonds and interacting forces, quantum mechanics and kinetics of reaction, biopolymer science colloidal interactions, nucleation, glass transitions and freezing 

Food chemistry concepts are often extracted from rheology, transport phenomena theories, physical and chemical thermodynamics, chemical bonds and interaction forces, quantum mechanics and kinetics of reaction, biopolymer science, colloidal interactions, nucleation, glass transitions and freezing / disordered or non-crystalline solids, and therefore have Food Physical Chemistry as a foundation region

Food and Nutrition is the organization that we get energy for our bodies. We must to extra nutrients in our bodies with an advanced source on a daily basis. Water is a significant element of nutrition. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats are also essential. Preserving important Vitamins and Minerals are similarly significant to preservative good healthiness. For prenatal women and grownups over 50, Vitamins for instance Vitamin D and minerals such as iron and calcium are important to thoughtful after indicating foods to eat, as well as probable dietary supplements.


Nutritional science is the investigation of how an organism is nourished, and incorporates the study of how nourishment affects personal health, population health, and planetary health. Nutritional science covers a wide spectrum of disciplines. As a result, nutritional scientists can specialize in particular aspects of nutrition such as biology, physiology, immunology, biochemistry, education, psychology, sustainability, and sociology. In 1946, the World Health Organization (WHO) defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” The foods we eat contain nutrients. Nutrients are substances required by the body to perform its basic functions. Nutrients must be obtained from diet, since the human body does not synthesize them. Nutrients are used to produce energy, detect and respond to environmental surroundings, move, excrete wastes, respire There are six classes of nutrients required for the body to function and maintain overall health. These are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins and minerals. Foods also contain non nutrients that may be harmful (such as cholesterol, dyes, and preservatives) or beneficial (such as antioxidants).


Industrial biotechnology is one of the most hopeful new approaches to pollution prevention, resource conservation, and cost reduction. Recently many advances in food industry characterize great role of food biotechnology. GM plants and animals are accustomed enhance taste, shell life, nutrition and quality of food. On the other needle GM yeast and Bacteria are used to produce enzymes for the sake of food industry. These GM foods are formed by using biotechnological techniques specifically genetic engineering. These techniques can be used to remove hunger from poor people of third world specially Africa. Besides positive aspects, there are some concerns.


Food science draws from many corrections such as and biology, chemical engineering, and biochemistry in an attempt to better understand food processes and eventually improve food products for the overall public. As the factors of the field, food scientists study the physical, microbiological, and chemical makeup of food. By applying their findings, they are responsible for developing the safe, nutritious foods and inventive packaging that line supermarket shelves everywhere. The food you devour on a daily basis is the result of extensive food research, a systematic investigation into a variety of foods’ properties and compositions. After the early stages of research and development comes the mass production of food products using principles of food technology. All of these consistent fields donate to the food industry – the largest manufacturing industry in the United States.


Food security is the condition in which all people have physical, social and economic access to proper safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for a healthy and active life at all times. A changing climate, growing global population, rising food prices, and environmental stressors will have significant yet highly uncertain impacts on food security over the coming decades. The application of this concept to family level is food security of households, with individuals in households as the focus of concern.


There are multiple academic and extension programs in the Food Systems and Bioengineering Division. Biotechnology provides an efficient solution for food crises. The Division has four academic programs: management of agricultural systems, biological engineering, food science, management of hotels and restaurants. The lack of knowledge and awareness of the current situation, problems and scientific progress of the latest technologies and their potential for application contributes significantly to the low development and implementation of new approaches to food bioengineering. It improves health and quality of life through the advancement of disease diagnostic medical technologies and It improves health and quality of life by advancing medical technologies for diagnosis and prevention of diseases; and by improving the healthy, effective and environmentally friendly use and delivery of agricultural products as high-quality food and non-food products to consumers.


Therefore, Food Science combines food microbiology, chemistry, physics, engineering and nutrition, applying information thus acquired to the event of food products and processes, preserving and storing food, and thus ensuring food safety and quality. It is a basic process of how heat water, acid and base change our foods and toxicology of cosmetics.


Maternal Nutrition focuses on studies have shown that pre-originating young ladies's nutritional condition (particularly body weight) has an impact on fetal development. In any case, across the physiological state, nutrient intake by the mother is assumed to have no effect throughout the first and second trimesters, but maternal nutrient intake within the last trimester is widely accepted as having some effect on fetal development, and thus maternal food plays a vital role throughout enhancing and developing the fetus.

Nutrition is the process of providing the raw materials to the body which it wants to work and develop. There are three macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) that are essential for humans to act as the primary fuel for physiological processes. This discusses the awareness of nutrients and other components of food with emphasis on their role and effect on mammalian physiology, health and behaviour. The main goal of nutritional biochemistry research is the scientific beginning of optimum dietary diets throughout the life cycle for each nutrient and food ingredient.


Food toxicology is based on the bioactive substances ' analysis and toxic effects as they occur in foods. Food toxicology is an individual discipline that assesses the effects of components of the diet's complex chemical matrix on the activities of toxic agents that may be natural endogenous products or may be introduced from contaminating organisms or food production, processing and preparation. Food toxicology is gaining vital attention as the food supply chain is increasing in origin worldwide and any contamination or toxicity can cause serious adverse health effects.

We have billions of bacteria in the digestive tract that are friendly the bacterial flora of each person can be as specific as fingerprints. Friendly bacteria help digest the food and effectively absorb nutrients. In a way, it is difficult to digest most components of our food as common — the bacteria digest it. Today's probiotic bacteria used in commercial products are largely members of the Lactobacillus and Bifid genera. Enteral nutrition generally refers to any feeding system that uses the tract of Gastro Intestinal (GI) to provide some or all of the caloric requirements of a person It may include a normal oral diet, the use of liquid supplements, or part or all of the daily requirements.


Food and Nutrition is the organization that gives the bodies strength. We need to provide an advanced source for extra nutrients in our bodies on a daily basis. Water is an essential nutritional element Also essential are carbohydrates, proteins, fats. To ensure good health, the conservation of essential vitamins and minerals is equally important. In pregnant women and adults over 50, vitamins such as vitamin D and minerals such as iron and calcium, as well as probable dietary supplements, are important to consider after suggesting foods to consume.


There is a very broad area of research into the role of food in the cancer cycle. When research continues, diet plays a major role in cancer, it will become clearer. The American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund reported that 30-40% of all cancers can be avoided by healthy diets, physical activity, and correct body weight maintenance. For some particular cancers it is likely to be higher than this. Many nutritional and cancer study are reductionist; that is, a single food or nutrient was examined in relation to its effect on tumour formation / regression or some other endpoint of cancer.